Elmer Award – ARRL
QRA- Has to do with a Station Name.
Question: What is the name of your station?
Statement: The name of my station is ___.… -continue reading
QRB – Has to do with distance between stations.
Question: How far are you from my station?
Statement: I am ____ miles (kilometers) from your station.… -continue reading
QRD -Has to do with direction of travel.
Question: Where are you bound and where are you coming from?
Statement: I am bound to ____ and coming from ______.… -continue reading
QRG -Has to do with transmitted frequency
Question: Will you tell me my exact frequency?
Statement: You exact frequency is ____.… -continue reading
QRH – has to do with frequency change.
Question: Does my frequency vary?
Statement: Your frequency varies.… -continue reading
QRI – Has to do with tone of transmission.
Question: How is the tone of my transmission?
Statement: The tone of your transmission is ___.
Ranked by number.
3-Bad.… -continue reading
QRJ – Has to do with weak signal strength
Question: Are you receiving me badly?
Statement: I cannot receive you, your signal is too weak.… -continue reading
QRK -Has to do with signal intelligibility.
Question: What is the intelligibility of my signals?
Statement: The intelligibility of your signals is ___.
Rated by number.
5-Excellent… -continue reading
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